Spread Love Not Germs

With recently having stay-at-home orders issued and a global pandemic looming out there, I know people are taking a good hard look around their own personal environments since they are being forced to spend more time in them. The current state of our world has been front and center in media outlets, social media realms and essential public outings as well as day to day conversations with other people. I can see how all this could could easily take a toll on a person’s mental health. Humans are meant to be together and have in-person interactions. We have had that basic necessity somewhat taken away from us abruptly. This whole thing has compelled me to want to share some of my thoughts, ideas, survival tips and knowledge as it relates to Interior Design, Lifestyle and Home for anyone interested.


The need for being outside, getting fresh air and natural sunlight has never been greater! I already knew this was important but believe me, I really will make sure to reinforce this even more any chance I get moving forward. I think it’s important to have private outdoor spaces for a family to relax and play in. (Hint: The right Landscaping design professional is crucial here in planning these spaces!)

Our little family has found that a really good outdoor activity for our kids has been Gardening! Actually gardening is also proven to be good for stress relief in adults as well according to a study published in the Journal of Health Psychology. I love the idea of learning to provide some of your own food when grocery stores have been scary, war zones these days. I am a little envious of my friends and acquaintances that have land and/or have their gardens well established. I am sure they take great pride in being able to take the farm to table approach into their own hands for meals.

For your families with young kids, to have a backyard that is safe and fun is a lifesaver. For my own home and having (2) kids under the age of 6, having a view out to the backyard where the kids are playing is super important for me to stay productive inside yet keep an eye on them. I have been obsessing over the outdoor playsets and play houses from Cedar Works. It gives just the right amount of whimsical fun to tap into a kids imagination to keep them busy for hours. The product is the best in quality and the structure will last well beyond it’s time with your family. In fact, my girlfriend informed me the resale value on the product is pretty fantastic. I am super excited about our design trade membership with the company and being able to incorporate this product into outdoor spaces in our design work if client’s need this feature.


Image Above is from CedarWorks.com and showing the 533 Playhouse configuration

Image Above is from CedarWorks.com and showing the 533 Playhouse configuration


The transition between coming from the outside world into your interior environment has also become a focus of mine. I see healthcare professionals and front-line workers feeling the need to protect to their families and prevent the possibility of exposing them to any virus they may come in contact with. From doctor’s self-isolating in their own homes to EMTS choosing to stay in hotels in order to protect their loved ones. Regardless of profession dealing with the public, I definitely can make a case for a mud room type area off an entrance to the home. These rooms would provide an opportunity to wash your hands and take off your shoes before coming inside. These two small things can be huge in promoting a healthier interior.

On a side note—I love the residential sink faucets that are coming out with the automatic motion sensors or tap feature for on/off instead of having to touch a handle. The technology is getting better and they seem to be getting more attractive and affordable. The Brizo Litze Smart Touch is on my radar to research further and possibly spec on a future project


Image above is from Brizo.com and is showing the Litze SmartTouch Pull-Down Faucet with Arc Spout and Kurled Handle in Matte Black and Luxe Gold. Other finishes available.

Image above is from Brizo.com and is showing the Litze SmartTouch Pull-Down Faucet with Arc Spout and Kurled Handle in Matte Black and Luxe Gold. Other finishes available.


We have had to get creative around our house for exercise since our gyms are closed. During the time when the Stay at home orders were in place for our area, I have witnessed neighbors + friends using their garages for gyms, conducting boot camps in driveways and turning to virtual classes online to keep motivated about fitness and health. A positive aspect in all of this is that I saw people devoting more time to exercise and making it a priority. My thoughts instantly go to how can I as a designer support these activities when I am developing the space-planning for homes. I think that it is important for people to at least allow for some flexibility in their built environments to be able to transform the property to support fitness if needed. Here is a link that showcases some home gym ideas to get the inspiration started…



We have diffusing Thieves oil on a regular basis into the air in our home. I know there’s a lot of information online about essential oils and I honestly haven’t really taken the time to really research validity—I just really like the way it smells. We use the Young Living essential oils because they ate not loaded down with toxic synthetic fragrances which is important to me. Thieves Oil has been claimed to support respiratory health, boost immune system and it is used for cleaning with its anti-microbial properties. Beyond all that, I love that it makes my home smell good so I will continue to go with it.



The crazy, unexpected shortages of things like cleaning supplies and paper products really had us a little nervous for a second. We stumbled across (2) products that we felt really helped get us by and added a positive change that will stay with us for awhile. We found these reusable wipes that could be used as a paper towel alternative and thrown in the washer when needing cleaned. I also ordered the Force of Nature cleaner and starter kit. According to the Force of Nature, “Force of Nature is an appliance that turns tap water, plus a capsule of salt, water, and vinegar into a cleaner and disinfectant. It’s on the EPA’s list of Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19.” We couldn’t find disinfectant anywhere and we have some chemical sensitivities in our family so this Force of Nature product was perfect. Moving forward these two things can help us live a lifestyle that is little less taxing on the environment.



Until Next Time—-Be Safe + Healthy Out There!



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